Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Boy accused of corruption , the Turkish minister resigns

Boy accused of corruption , the Turkish minister resigns________________________________________ International Desk

Zafar kagalyayana and muyammara confuse
Dhaka : The Turkish finance minister resigns overcome corruption charges against boys and Interior Minister Zafar kagalyayana confuse muyammara . Mantridbaya resigned to investigate corruption in the government of their children in some of the country's ruling government destabalizing amalake was arrested .Recently the government ' hakabyanka ' Head of 4 people charged with corruption in the police in the same way . However , the fact of domestic and foreign conspiracy against the ruling government to declare the Freedom and Justice Party ( ekepi ) -led government.It argues that the conspiracies against the government 's resignation, a statement condemned the Finance Minister pointed out that work . He said the investigation " of blasphemy .In addition , the statements in the event of the resignation of the Minister muyammara sake of investigation . He said , if there is corruption in the public to come , or who tried to undermine the government of conspiring to give exemplary punishment to identify them .Muyammara said , since my son is not a government official , and therefore no legal basis to detain him on bribery charges .Government who are conspiring to shorten their ' broken arm ' tayyipa Prime Minister Recep Erdogan threatened .Finance Minister muyammarera son of deposed the boy 's ear and took gularera bribery scheme against the urban development and construction projects to allocate the Istanbul Police believe the allegations . In addition to the ear and to confuse the police arrested the accused durnite . However , denied any kind of involvement in corruption arrested .Meanwhile, the investigation of corruption ' in anti-government conspiracy ' Istanbul police chief administrative officer of the Head of the deposed government led by Erdogan .

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